January, 2021
marija glavaš
This map is an overview of exhibitions that were held in the Balkan region under the BRI. It was done by collecting data from institutions directly and through scavenging the internet for any activities in this field. It is an attempt to visually represent connections established through cultural interweaving amongst Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Bulgaria and China. The map also shows, at least partially, how these events come or connect back to China. The idea is to keep this map alive and add any future exhibitions as well, possibly also from other regions like Central Asia. Each event is, with as much information as possible, described. Although it is in many ways still sparse it is a starting point for additional research on the topic of cultural interweaving, which too often stands in the shadow of more economically impactful projects. International relationships strive when there is a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures, this is however subject to many different approaches with various possible outcomes. This map does not directly address these approaches or outcomes but serves as an identifier of the frequency and form of such events.
Belgrade, Serbia
Museum of Yugoslavia, Belgrade
“Novi pogledi u kineskoj savremenoj umjetnosti (New views in Chinese Contemporary Art)”
In 2013 the Museum of Yugoslavia hosted the exhibition “New views in Chinese contemporary art”. The exhibition consisted of 60 works from 40 authors using several techniques – oil paintings, sculptures, photographs, multimedia and design. It was the biggest exhibition of contemporary Chinese art in Europe. This exhibition was one of the first connecting activities between the now dissolved Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China (now Ministry of Culture and Tourism) and Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia under the Programme of Cooperation in the Areas of Culture and Art (2013 – 2016). The Programme was signed earlier that year when the former minister in question of the Republic of Serbia visited the first Forum on Cultural Cooperation between China and 16 Central and Eastern European Countries, which was hosted in Beijing.
“New Views in Chinese Contemporary Art”, Belgrade, 2013
Kuča Legata, Belgrade
“Izložba savremenog kineskog slikarstva (Exhibiton of Contemporary Chinese Painting)”
In 2019 Kuća Legata, also known as House of Heritage, hosted the exhibition “Exhibiton of Contemporary Chinese Painting”. The exhibition consisted of 46 artworks created by 23 authors. All exhibited paintings were done with ink and feathers and are part of a collection of the Shandong Art Museum.
“Exhibiton of Contemporary Chinese Painting”, Belgrade, 2019
National Museum of Serbia, Belgrade
“Sva lica kulture. Slikarstvo i život učenjaka drevne Kine (All Faces of Culture. Painting and the life of scholars from ancient China)”
In 2018 the National Museum of Serbia hosted the exhibition “All Faces of Culture. Painting and the Life of Scholars from Ancient China”. The exhibition consisted of 110 artworks and everyday objects (decorated in great detail) by an elite group of scholars from ancient China. The exhibits ranged from traditional paintings, calligraphy, ceramics, furniture to other everyday objects. All in all the exhibition was a presentation of the life and skills of China’s ancient scholars. The goal was to bring Chinese traditional art and culture closer to the people of Serbia. It was opened by a Chinese political advisor who emphasized that Serbia was the first European country to have a comprehensive friendship with China. He also announced the opening of two museums that will further strengthen their bond. The exhibition was staged in cooperation with the National Museum of China (Beijing).

“All Faces of Culture. Painting and the life of scholars from ancient China”, Belgrade, by Promo, 2018
Yugoslav Film Archive, Belgrade
“Festival kineskog filma (Festival of Chinese film)”
In 2016 the Yugoslav Film Archive hosted the Festival of Chinese film. Over an entire week they screened 10 Chinese movies from different eras. The Yugoslav Film Archive has a long history of collaborating with China, reaching back to the 1950’s when they hosted the world’s first bigger exhibition of Chinese films. The oldest Chinese films in the archive go back to the very beginning of Chinese cinematography. The festival brought up ideas about further collaborations, which was realized when a representative of Yugoslav Film Archive joined the Silk Road International Film Festival in Ksian, where they signed the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Yugoslav Film Archive and the Chinese Film Museum.
Shen nu, 1934
“112 godina kineskog filma (112 Years of Chinese Film)”
In 2017 the Yugoslav Film Archive hosted the exhibition “112 Years of Chinese Film”. The exhibition consisted of 80 movie posters, sculptures, lectures and film screenings. It was prepared by the Chinese Film Museum and brought to Serbia as a result of the previously signed Memorandum of Cooperation between the Yugoslav Film Archive and the Chinese Film Museum. The Memorandum was signed at the Silk Road International Film Festival in Ksian. The exhibitions was divided into two parts: the history of chinese film and the history of partisan yugoslav film.
Kalemegdan, Belgrade
“Kineski festival svetla (Chinese Festival of Lights)”
In 2020 the Kalemegdan (Belgrade fortress) hosted the exhibition “Chinese Festival of Lights”. Several art installations in the form of lanterns were staged on the fortress and turned on at the time of the Chinese new year. The installations were done by artists from Sichuan (China) and represented traditional and ancient Chinese symbolism. The opening was accompanied by fireworks, which is a typical way of celebrating the beginning of a new year.
“Chinese Festival of Lights”, by Đorđe Tomić, 2020
Novi Sad, Serbia
The Gallery of Fine Arts – Gift Collection of Rajko Mamuzić, Novi Sad
“Moć tišine-kineska savremena umetnost na putu svile (The power of Silence – Chinese Contemporary Art on the Silk Road)”
In 2019 the Gallery of Fine Arts – Gift Collection of Rajko Mamuzić hosted the exhibition “The power of Silence – Chinese Contemporary Art on the Silk Road”. The exhibition consisted of several contemporary artworks by 13 Chinese authors using intermedia fusion to open up a dialogue about art and esthetics themselves. The artworks ranged from paintings, sculptures and art installations to new media. The exhibition was hosten under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China.
“The power of Silence – Chinese Contemporary Art on the Silk Road”, 2019
Pirot, Serbia
Galerija Čedomir Krstić, Pirot
“Putovanje preko granica (Travelling across borders)”
In 2018 the Gallery Čedomir Krstić hosted the exhibition “Travelling across borders”. The exhibition consisted of 14 sculptors from China (Macau) presenting 17 sculptures. The authors were all representatives of a generation that personifies the spirit of contemporary art in Macau. It was done in collaboration with White Box Studio (Hong Kong). Three authors also gifed their artworks to the gallery on the occasion. For the people of Pirot hosting this exhibition was a great honour since it was the only such exhibition in Serbia. It was also a promotion of the Belt and Road Cultural Development Action Plan (2016-2020) in hopes of further economic, social and cultural collaborations amongst nations along the silk road.
“Balkanske impresije (Balkan impressions)”
In 2015 the Gallery Čedomir Krstić hosted the exhibition “Balkan impressions”. The exhibition consisted of 70 photographs from 30 Chinese travellers who, during their travels to Balkan, captured their impressions.Earlier that year the exhibition was already opened in Hong Kong in the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre.
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Art Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo
“Zanos kistom (Enthusiasm for Ink Wash Painting)”
In 2019 the Art Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina (located inside of their National Gallery) hosted the exhibition “Enthusiasm for Ink Wash Painting”. The exhibition consisted of artworks recently done by the students of the Chinese National Academy of Painting. The artworks were contemporary approaches to traditional Chinese ink wash painting. This was the first opportunity for the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina to meet with Chinese culture upfront, which they consider to be important for their further bonding . They announced plans for hosting a Bosnian exhibition in Peking.
“Enthusiasm for Ink Wash Painting”, by T. Saletović, 2019
Sofia, Bulgaria
National Gallery of Bulgaria (The Palace), Sofia
“Belt and Road”
In 2017 the National Gallery of Bulgaria hosted the printmaking exhibition “Belt and Road”. The exhibition consisted of over 100 prints done by artists from China, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Russia, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Thailand, Egypt, Pakistan, Iraq, Indonesia, India, Bahrain, Nepal, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Mongolia. All the prints were made in the previous year at the Original Printmaking Base in Guanlan. The artists were invited there by the Guanlan Printmaking Museum which also selected the exhibits and prepared the exhibition. The artists all presented both their own cultures (through various motives, themes and printmaking techniques) and the printmaking art and it’s becoming in itself.
Oleg Mikhailov, Russia, Red Fishermen, 2017
“History and Reality”
In 2018 the National Gallery of Bulgaria hosted the exhibition “History and Reality”. The exhibition consisted of artworks from 13 artists using various techniques (painting, graphic art, installations and objects). The artists also presented their reflections and ideas on traditions and the world today.
Yu Runde, Blurred Light Ⅴ, 2014
“Silk Road: From Tradition to Contemporaneity”
In 2019 the National Gallery of Bulgaria hosted the exhibition “Silk Road: From Tradition to Contemporaneity”. It was a joint exhibition from 40 professors of the National Academy of Art in Sofia and 51 professors from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. A variety of techniques were used ranging from classical painting and graphics to digital printing and mixed media. A year earlier the exhibition was also displayed at the Imperial Museum of Art in Beijing. The exhibition was done in honour of the 70th anniversary of the Establishment of Sino-Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations.
Liu Shangying, Wildness No.10, 2018
Chinese Cultural Center in Sofia
“Similarities and Diversities in Symbiosis”
In 2018 the Chinese Cultural Center in Sofia hosted the exhibition “Similarities and Diversities in Symbiosis”. The exhibition consisted of two short movies and more than 100 artworks from 27 artists coming from 27 different countries in Central and Eastarn Europe and China. The artworks took various forms: oil paintings, water and ink paper paintings, photographs, ceramics, installations and sculptures. Tu Xuesong, the director of the Center, said that despite all the differences in motives, themes and techniques the exhibition portrayed consistent ideas of development, harmony, peace and independence, which is also the spirit of the Belt and Road Initiative.
Artwork by Bulgarian artist Nikoleta Ivanova. (Photo/
Ljubljana, Slovenia
National Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana
“Kitajska skozi otroške oči 2012 – 2018 (China through kids eyes 2012 – 2018)”
In 2018 the National Museum of Slovenia hosted the exhibition “China through kids eyes 2012 – 2018). The exhibition consisted of many artworks done by pupils of the Confucian classroom Ljubljana. The Confucian classroom Ljubljana aims to teach kids the basics of Chinese language, culture and sport. The exhibition was displayed as part of “The Month of Chinese Culture” which was organized by the primary school in Trnovo (Where the confucian classroom is located) and the Confucian Institute of Ljubljana.
“Zlato kitajskih cesarjev (Gold of the Chinese Emperors)”
In 2018 the National Museum of Slovenia hosted the exhibition “Gold of the Chinese Emperors”. Exhibited was the collection “Dong Bo Zhai” from the period of emperor Wanli (dynasty Ming). The prestigious collection consists of 145 golden pieces, ranging from jewelry and everyday objects to artworks. The collection was provided by the Museum of Fine Arts Qujiang in Xi’an, which was a great honour for Slovenia since these types of objects rarely leave China.
Hair needle with Phoenix motive, dynasty Ming (1368–1644), 2018
Rijeka, Croatia
City Museum of Rijeka
“Promjene – Slike – Načela (Changes – Images – Principles)”
In 2018 the City Museum of Rijeka hosted Zaichun Yang, a Chinese professor, who presented the traditional art of calligraphy in an exhibition called “Changes – Images – Principles”. Alongside the calligraphy exhibition he also displayed photographs he took a year prior to the exhibition on his last visit in Croatia. The exhibition was organized in cooperation with the Sports University of Peking. after they hosted the photography exhibition “Croatian photography today” in 2017.
Beijing, China
Imperial Museum of Art, Beijing
“Silk Road: From Tradition to Contemporaneity”
In 2018 the Imperial Museum of Art hosted the exhibition “Silk Road: From Tradition to Contemporaneity”. It was a joint exhibition from 51 professors from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing and 40 professors of the National Academy of Art in Sofia. A variety of techniques were used ranging from classical painting and graphics to digital printing and mixed media. A year later the exhibition was displayed at the National Museum of Bulgaria. The exhibition was done in honour of the 70th anniversary of the Establishment of Sino-Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations.
Cultural Center of Serbia – Ivo Andric, Beijing
“A Trip through Contemporary Serbian Art”
In 2018 the Cultural Center of Serbia – Ivo Andric opened in Beijing. It is ought to even better present the culture and art of Serbia to Chinese audiences. Vukosavljevic, the minister of culture in Serbia, announced that they will promote Serbian film and familiarize the Serbian language for the Chinese citizens. The opening of the cultural center was accompanied by the exhibition called A Trip through Contemporary Serbian Art. The exhibition consisted of artworks from 9 serbian artists and was previously presented in Shanghai.
Opening of the Cultural Center of Serbia – Ivo Andric in Beijing, courtesy of Embassy of the Republic of Serbia, Beijing – People’s Republic of China
Fuzhou and Xi’an, China
Fuzhou and Xi’an alternately
“Silk Road International Film Festival”
The Silk Road International Film Festival is a yearly film festival held by the Film Board of China. On the festival there’s screenings, award ceremonies, film forums, film markets and other cultural activities. The films presented are selected amongst countries along the Silk Road as part of the Belt and Road Initiative. There have been 5 Silk Road International Festivals, with the 6th being planned for 2021. In 2016 a representative of Yugoslav Film Archive joined the festival where they signed the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Yugoslav Film Archive and the Chinese Film Museum.

Logo of Silk Road International Film Festival
Shanghai, China
China Art Museum, Shanghai
“Belt and Road”
In 2017 China Art Museum opened the international art exhibition called Belt and Road. One day prior to it’s opening the museum held a seminar also titled Belt and Road in which they discussed a new cultural chapter, focusing on global viewpoints and mutual respect. The project consisted of three independent exhibitions from Mongolia, Vietnam and Serbia – all important strategic points for the BRI. Marijana Kolaric curated the exhibition “Voyage – Journey through Contemporary Serbian Art”, Gu Zhenqing curated the exhibition “Beyond Heaven and Earth – Mongolian Art in This Day and Age” and Kian Chow Kwok curated the exhibition “Vietnamese Modern Painting in Shanghai Collections”.
‘Voyage: A Journey through Contemporary Serbian Art’, installation view, 2017, China Art Museum, Shanghai. Courtesy: China Art Museum; photograph: Hu Yun
Zhejiang, China
Zhejiang Art Museum, Zhejiang
“Symptoms and Society”
In 2017 the Zhejiang Art Museum hosted a group exhibition called Symptoms and Society which they collaborated on with Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana in Slovenia. The exhibition consisted of 33 artworks from artists residing in previous member states of Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania. Most artworks were video works, installations and performance arts. The Slovenian curator Alenka Gregorič emphasized that she wanted to bring different generations of artists from this region closer to the Chinese audience in a coherent way.
People look at Irwin’s installation work “Retroavantgarde 1994-2016”, courtesy: Shi Jianxue
Guanlan, China
The Original Printmaking Base, Guanlan
“International Print Biennial in Guanlan, China”
The International Print Biennial takes place every two years at the Guanlan Original Printmaking Base, where the Chinese Printing Museum is located. Besides exhibitions and workshops there’s also the International Printmaking Organization Alliance Conference held at the festival.
Hong Kong, China
Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Hong Kong
“Balkan impression”
In 2015 the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre hosted the exhibition “Balkan impression”. The exhibition consisted of 70 photographs from 30 Chinese travellers who, during their travels to Balkan, captured their impressions. Later that year the exhibition was also hosted in the Gallery Čedomir Krstić in Pirot, Srbija.
Marija Glavaš, student of Culturology at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana