Aziza Abdulfetah Busser


Aziza Abdulfetah Busser

Aziza Abdulfetah Busser is a landscape designer; practising professional architect, and academician. She received a bachelor’s degree in Architecture and Urban Planning and a masters degree in Environmental Planning and Landscape Design from Addis Ababa University in 2006 and 2010 respectively. She started her academic career at the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development [EiABC], AAU in 2009 October as a part-time assistant and became a permanent staff as a lecturer in the year 2012. She was instrumental for the establishment of the ‘Chair of Landscape’ architecture in February 2014 in EiABC and becomes Chair holder to date. She has worked on Curriculum development of masters programme in landscape architecture which was launched in October 2015. She is also participating in a research Project: Green Infrastructure and Urban Biodiversity in Sub-Saharan Africa conducted between the EiABC; Leibniz University Hanover, Germany; NUST, Namibia; KNUST, Currently, she is working closely as a researcher with ECL-AA (Emerging Cities Lab), a collaborative research unit between EiABC, Ethiopia and Bauhaus University, Germany. Her latest research interests relate to the concepts of ‘Urban Ecosystem’ in the field of ‘Landscape Architecture’ in informing, transforming and guiding future trends in the urbanism of emerging economies.