Dragan Stojmenović


Dragan Stojmenović

Dragan Stojmenović graduated in Ethnology and Anthropology from the Faculty of Philosophy (Belgrade, Serbia), and has been living and working in Bor, Serbia since 1974. Since 2000, he has been working at Public Library Bor, where he has been a Local History librarian since 2005. He is the author and chief manager of Digitization of Non-book Materials, Cultural and Public Activities of the Public Library Bor; and the editor and curator of several cultural programs, exhibitions and public lecture series, as well as the online platform, http://digitalnizavicaj.org.rs/. He has also been an associate of numerous cultural organizations and NGOs, and a co-author of their various projects and programs. 

His works as an editor include:
Боросане: алтернативна урбанизација у Бору у очима других (Borosane: Alternative Urbanization in Bor in the Eyes of the Others). Bor, 2010.
Мелодије и фотографија : тематски зборник радова посвећен Владимиру Ђорђевићу  (Melodies and Photographs: A Collection of Essays in Honour of Vladimir Djordjević). Bor, 2011
Зоран Пауновић и Јелена Ђорђевић, Уликс Reload (Zoran Paunović and Jelena Djordjević, Ulysses Reload). Bor, 2012
Слободан Наумовић и Владимир Радивојевић, Борски алманах: улична фотографија као заједничка антропологија (Slobodan Naumović and Vladimir Radivojević, Bor’s Almanac: Street Photography as a Collaborative Anthropology). Bor, 2015.
Živka Romelić, O rudarskoj kulturi u Boru: tradicija kao podstrek / The Mining Culture in Bor : Tradition as a Stimulus, Bor 2017.
Aleksandar Zograf, Mikloš Radnoti, Zoran Paunović, Borske beležnice (The Bor Notebooks) Bor 2019.