Nataliya Chemayeva


Nataliya Chemayeva

Nataliya Chemayeva (Turkmenistan) is a recent graduate of the MSc in Water Cooperation and Diplomacy (2020) who has been professionally working in the field of environmental strategic planning and project management in Central Asia for almost 5 years. With a background in Anthropology as her BA degree (2010), she excelled in communication and art, and subsequently intertwined these in her cross-cutting activities with water. Since 2018 she has been an active member of the World Youth Parliament for Water and stands at the core of the regional youth-led initiative, Watercafé. Nataliya currently works at the Scientific-Information Center of the Interstate Sustainable Development Commission of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, and implements multiple projects in conjunction with UNDP, GIZ and World Bank.