Mifta Zeleke


Mifta Zeleke

Born in 1984 in Gainbe near Jimma, Ethiopia; Mifta Zeleke is a curator based in Addis Ababa. Though he studied literature; his practice is only edged by irregular articles on paperbacks and a translation of the book ‘The Stranger’ by Albert Camus to Amharic. Collaborations with artists, taking part in Public Relation works in exhibitions and festivals, organizing talks, working for the establishment of Galleria TO.MO.CA (Addis Ababa, 2012) and founding the Guramayne Art Center(March 2014) where he mainly practices curating are traces in his journey. Mifta curate consecutive shows that are the results of the concepts he develops with artists in the center and beyond.  He also initiates and curates projects related to various disciplines in order to augment the role of art to apparent challenges. Moreover, his participation in international programs like The Berlin Art Week (2015)Addis Contemporary (Nairobi, 2015-Curator); Àsìkò 2016 Addis Ababa: 6th International Art Program; Residency in AiR Bergen (2016); Tate Curatorial Intensive: Art Matters, Key Questions on the Role of Galleries and Museums in the 21stCentury (London 2017); ACCASA 17thTriennial: Symposium on African Art(Accra, Ghana 2017) are helping him to expound the notions of the contemporary art in the local context of Ethiopia and internationally. Mifta lectures at the Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa University since 2014 teaching courses on Curating; and Writings and Research in Visual Arts.