Zian Chen


Zian Chen

Zian Chen is a curator and co-editor of Heichi Magazine.
At times, he collaborates with others to develop alternative frameworks for artistic thinking and speculation.

Wu Chi-Yu: Atlas of the Closed Worlds, 2021
Co-editing: Arrow Factory: The Last Five Years, 2020
Co-curating: Planet Marx Reading Club, 2019
Co-curating: Long March Project: The Deficit Faction, 2019 {review; guidebook}
Production Fever 2008, 2019
Co-curating: Long March Project: Building Code Violations III – Special Economic Zone, 2018 {review}
Marysia Lewandowska, Rehearsing the Museum, 2018
With Liu Chuang: Revizionistinio akseleracionizmo link, 2018


Recent contributions:
An open letter to these strange times
Curtain Magazine Interview
Instant Retrospectives: Freeze-Dried, Ready-To-Go
The Club-Museum Ecosystem 2: Alvin Li’s Conceptronic Curating
Hauntologies of Chinese Contemporary Art: Instant Retrospectives Redux
Background Theory (Haikeiron): Can Ara Kimbo Sing the Sovereignty Framework of the Infrastructure?


Selected publications:
Future Histories: Mark Dion and Arseny Zhilyaev (Mousse, 2016)
The Two-Sided Lake: Scenarios, Storyboards and Sets from Liverpool Biennial (Liverpool University, 2016)