Nikita Yingqian Cai


Nikita Yingqian Cai

Nikita Yingqian Cai lives and works in Guangzhou, where she is currently Associate Director and Chief Curator at Guangdong Times Museum. She has curated exhibitions such as You Can Only Think about Something if You Think of Something Else (2014), Roman Ondák: Storyboard (2015), and Big Tail Elephants: One Hour, No Room, Five Shows (2016). She is also organizing a para-curatorial series at Guangdong Times Museum, which features an annual discursive platform and has covered topics such as Active Withdrawal: Weak Institutionalism and the Institutionalization of Art Practice (co-organized with Biljana Ciric, 2013), Cultivate or Revolutionize? Life between Apartment and Farmland (co-organized with Binna Choi, 2014), and Reciprocal Encounters: The Enactment of Collecting and its Modes of Representation (2016).